Besides the number of mentions in social media, another point of interest is the importance of the source.
This importance is given, on one hand by the authority of the source (how relevant it is considered by its target audience), and, on the other hand, by the number of readers it reaches.
In evaluating the importance of a source we started from a scale from 1 to 10, on which 10 is allocated to extremely important sources and 1 to sources that have a very low relevance.
Concretely, the score was assigned depending on the category each source belongs to, in the following way:
A. Blogs, according to their rank in Zelist top (http://www.zelist.ro/bloguri.html). This position is calculated according to the number of links in the blogosphere (and their importance) towards a certain blog and can be equated with the degree of visibility and trust a blog enjoys.
B. Press: a division has been made between very relevant sources (usually those with national coverage), regional sources, niche and aggregators.
C. Twitter: a score (between 9 and 1) has been given, according to the number of followers the source has.
D. Blog comments: we gave them scores correlated with the scored of the blogs on which the comments were posted
Below you can see the table of scores:
Blogs, according to their position in Zelist top
position 1- 10 : score 9
position 11- 100 : score 7
position 101- 500 : score 6
position 501- 1000 : score 5
position 1001 - 2000: score 4
position 2001 - 4000: score 2
> 4000 : score 1
Online press:
- main sites: score 10 (Adevarul, Evenimentul, Cotidianul, Jurnalul, Capital, Mediafax, Business magazin, Ziarul Financiar, Saptamana financiara, Money Express, Realitatea, The Money Channel, Money.ro)
- others (tabloids, gazettes) have received 7;
- aggregators receive 6;
Twitter accounts, according to the number of followers:
over 2000: score 9
over 1000: score 7
over 500: score 6
over 200: score 4
over 100 : score 3
the rest score 1.
Comments, after the Zelist rank of the blog they were posted on:
over 20: score 4
over 10: score 3
over 5: score 2
Observation: we are aware that this division differs according to the specific of each beneficiary and of the industry in which he operates. That is why, we offer the possibility of modifying the scores. This can be done for each item.
Also, if a source is considered irrelevant, the results produced by it can be fully eliminated, as shown in the image below: