Zelist Monitor is a media monitoring and measurement tool. Every week, Zelist Monitor analyzes over 96.000 blogs, over 90.000 Facebook pages, over 350.000 Twitter accounts, over 8.000 online publications, and more than 70 of the most important forums to give you the opportunity to identify in real time the main discussions created around the brands that interest you.
Starting today, 13.04.2011, we have incorporated a new graphic in the “Graphics” section, which divides the impact from a visual point of view, according to sources. This makes it easier to recognize which medium has the most influence.
We have used the expression “Lipton” as an example, for a test period of 30 days. According to the first graphic, mentions in the press and on twitter total 64.5%, while mentions on blogs and Facebook total 32.5%.
Despite this, the impact, defined as an approximation of the potential number of readers of a message and calculated taking into account the total number of fans of the page/pages, is much greater for Facebook, due to the high degree of interaction that resulted from posting the messages, as it results from the second graphic.