Social media monitoring in Romania

Currently, over 750,000 romanians are using some form of social media (blogs, Twitter, Facebook and so on) on a regular basis. Add the occasional users, and the number raises to over 2.5 million (Jan 2010 data, according to SATI – the official measuring system in the Romanian online industry )
Your consumers are most certainly amongst them. So are the socially active people who communicate their experiences in relationship to the brands they interact with.
As an industry professional, you have to know what everyone is saying about the brands you are looking after. But without the proper tools, social media monitoring  in Romania is an impossible task.

This is where ZeListMonitor comes in. Our system is constantly monitoring over 90,000 sources (online press, blogs, tweets) and offers you the distilled information you need, on time and in various useful formats (real-time alerts, detailed reports and graphs ).

A component of the services provided by, ZeListMonitor is a brand-reputation monitoring platform allowing you to gain a global perspective of the romanian social media and it's impact on the brands and subjects you are interested in.

In a nutshell, ZeListMonitor offers real-time monitoring of the quasi totality of romanian blogs (including comments), Twitter accounts and online press, providing it's users with:

• lists of occurrences for the desired terms
• real-time alerts for blog posts and tweets, as well as impact assessment based on the source's visibility and credibility
• Brand visibility graphs
• Comparative analysis for two or more terms
• Advertising campaigns impact assessment via chronological evolution of brands before and after the campaign
• data exporting to .pdf and .xls formats

The platform also offers complex quantitative analyses illustrating the evolution of a brand's online presence (as well as that of it's competitors). Another advantage is the synthetic representation of a brand's presence over a one-year period.

To make sure no important source goes unwatched, we've also made possible the monitoring of supplementary user-defined sources (web pages or RSS feeds)

Compared to the traditional methods of data-gathering and research, ZeListMonitor is a vast improvement both in terms of time-saving and the relevance of the information (due to it's focus on the romanian market, which allows the elimination of false occurrences, brands superposition and so on). Basically, it is the only tool for social media monitoring tool for romanian internet (blogs, twitter account, online media, newspapers and other press outlets) you'll ever need.

Social media monitoring  in Romania is no longer an impossible task.