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Programe si seriale TV

Activity for 3 - 9 March
view previous week
ActivityOverview in Programe si seriale TV
  • Fan-page interaction

    Fans Interaction

    Total comments:
    92,603 (+0,5%)

    Total likes:
    280,069 (-21,3%)

    Total shares:
    17,211 (-13,7%)

  • Average response

    Average Response

    160 (-25,9%)

    53 (-5,4%)

    10 (-16,7%)

  • Content text

    Text Content

    Total Posts:
    1,753 (+7,7%)

    Total Links:
    426 (-13,2%)

    Total Statuses:
    94 (+571,4%)

  • Content video

    Media Content

    Total Photos:
    985 (+7,7%)

    Total Videos:
    248 (+7,4%)

TopPlayers in Programe si seriale TV
Top Players Interactions Share of
Observator 292391 62.4%
Romanii au talent 57125 12.2%
La Măruță 22210 4.7%
Imi plac serialele turcesti (Kanal D) 15573 3.3%
X Factor Romania 15445 3.3%
Acces Direct 12519 2.7%
D-Paparazzi 11017 2.3%
Vrei sa fii milionar? 10528 2.2%
ProMotor 9392 2.0%
Neatza cu Razvan si Dani 6333 1.3%
Day Posts Likes Comm Shares
Mon 276 33143 10830 1450
Tue 273 38275 13356 1639
Wed 268 42506 10721 2484
Thu 239 44083 13046 2683
Fri 275 77437 22392 6608
Sat 206 20414 8880 1233
Sun 216 30236 15529 1434
"Posts" by time of day
morning (6-12) 439
after noon (12-18) 698
evening (18-24) 534
nights (24-6) 82