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Activity for 26 August - 1 September
view previous week
ActivityOverview in Copii
  • Fan-page interaction

    Fans Interaction

    Total comments:
    2,067 (-55,8%)

    Total likes:
    11,232 (-71,4%)

    Total shares:
    612 (-71,1%)

  • Average response

    Average Response

    12 (-72,1%)

    2 (-60,0%)

    1 (-50,0%)

  • Content text

    Text Content

    Total Posts:
    928 (+7,7%)

    Total Links:
    588 (0,0%)

    Total Statuses:
    90 (-3,2%)

  • Content video

    Media Content

    Total Photos:
    210 (+7,7%)

    Total Videos:
    40 (-4,8%)

TopPlayers in Copii
Top Players Interactions Share of
Qbebe 9666 49.6% 6038 30.9%
Clubul Bebelusilor 1135 5.8% 1024 5.2%
Copii fericiti, parinti linistiti 908 4.7%
Revista BABY 744 3.8%
Day Posts Likes Comm Shares
Mon 130 1486 231 81
Tue 127 2822 464 105
Wed 141 1811 407 89
Thu 139 1854 264 111
Fri 142 1274 150 78
Sat 128 2168 243 53
Sun 121 710 352 102
"Posts" by time of day
morning (6-12) 205
after noon (12-18) 402
evening (18-24) 321
nights (24-6) 0