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Activity for 9 - 15 September
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ActivityOverview in Banci
  • Fan-page interaction

    Fans Interaction

    Total comments:
    912 (+104,9%)

    Total likes:
    25,965 (+132,4%)

    Total shares:
    3,835 (+783,6%)

  • Average response

    Average Response

    257 (+127,4%)

    9 (+125,0%)

    38 (+850,0%)

  • Content text

    Text Content

    Total Posts:
    101 (-6,0%)

    Total Links:
    2 (+100,0%)

    Total Statuses:
    2 (-33,3%)

  • Content video

    Media Content

    Total Photos:
    78 (-6,0%)

    Total Videos:
    19 (+58,3%)

TopPlayers in Banci
Top Players Interactions Share of
Banca Transilvania 21357 66.9%
ING Romania 5064 15.9%
Raiffeisen Bank 1951 6.1%
Garanti BBVA Romania 1375 4.3%
BCR 854 2.7%
CEC Bank 439 1.4%
Alpha Bank Romania 356 1.1%
Libra Internet Bank 242 0.8%
BRD Groupe Societe Generale 200 0.6%
VISTA Bank Romania 50 0.2%
Day Posts Likes Comm Shares
Mon 23 8249 162 146
Tue 17 2538 98 67
Wed 16 3917 106 89
Thu 15 9793 437 3377
Fri 19 1017 95 136
Sat 5 110 3 23
Sun 6 393 11 8
"Posts" by time of day
morning (6-12) 36
after noon (12-18) 53
evening (18-24) 12
nights (24-6) 0