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Activity for 2 - 8 September
view current week
ActivityOverview in Asigurari
  • Fan-page interaction

    Fans Interaction

    Total comments:
    113 (-44,6%)

    Total likes:
    4,813 (-3,5%)

    Total shares:
    520 (-30,0%)

  • Average response

    Average Response

    117 (+21,9%)

    3 (-25,0%)

    13 (-7,1%)

  • Content text

    Text Content

    Total Posts:
    41 (-19,5%)

    Total Links:
    3 (+50,0%)

    Total Statuses:
    1 (-50,0%)

  • Content video

    Media Content

    Total Photos:
    33 (-19,5%)

    Total Videos:
    4 (-42,9%)

TopPlayers in Asigurari
Top Players Interactions Share of
UNIQA Asigurari 2359 29.8%
Otto Broker 1614 20.4%
Allianz - Țiriac Asigurări 1138 14.4%
ASIROM 1039 13.1%
OMNIASIG Vienna Insurance Group 637 8.0%
NN 447 5.6%
Metropolitan Life 206 2.6%
Generali România 182 2.3%
Groupama Asigurari 90 1.1%
Grawe Romania Asigurare 88 1.1%
Day Posts Likes Comm Shares
Mon 8 1321 17 180
Tue 5 558 5 100
Wed 6 173 2 53
Thu 8 944 26 101
Fri 7 687 40 37
Sat 3 790 16 35
Sun 4 456 8 17
"Posts" by time of day
morning (6-12) 19
after noon (12-18) 18
evening (18-24) 4
nights (24-6) 0